6 May 2024

St Joseph’s Catholic School requires improvement, according to Ofsted

Following an inspection in February, Ofsted has graded St Joseph’s Catholic School in Laverstock, Salisbury, as Requires Improvement.

Inspectors visited the school on the 6th and 7th of February, and while they were complimentary about some areas of the school, they found that the quality of education wasn’t up to standard.

In the report, inspectors said, “Teaching does not always check effectively what pupils know. Consequently, some pupils have gaps in their learning, or misconceptions that persist. This is particularly evident for pupils with SEND and those who are disadvantaged.

“Some teaching activities do not focus closely on the learning that the curriculum intends. This means that the activities pupils complete do not always enable them to gain the knowledge and skills that they need for future learning.”

Despite the overall poor grade, some areas of the school were rated as good, and there was praise for the school’s inclusivity, “Pupils feel welcome and included at St Joseph’s. Kindness, tolerance and respect permeate all aspects of school life. Pupils know that they are valued as individuals, whatever their faith or background.

Image: Google Streetview

“The harmonious, inclusive atmosphere is underpinned by warm relationships
between pupils and staff. Pupils have trusted adults to whom they can speak if they have any worries. They are confident that staff will respond swiftly to the rare incidents of bullying.”

The school had been rated as good since 2011, being found to be good on three consecutive occasions before this inspection.

The full report can be read here – https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50245182

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns