27 July 2024

Public File

Radio stations licenced by HM Government’s Office of Communications (Ofcom) are required to host a public file on their radio station’s website.  Like the good boys and girls we so occasionally are here in Salisbury, we are proud to present the Salisbury Radio Public File

Enjoy the read, it will give you some essential and some interesting information about our service and company. This Public File gives you a better understanding of our output, what we do, why we do it and what you can do if you wish to give us feedback or (eek) complain!

Salisbury Radio is owned and managed by and provided for the people who live, work and play in south Wiltshire and west Hampshire. 

We believe that by listening to Salisbury Radio for any period of time you will get a real sense of locality and a feel for the city of Salisbury and the surrounding area.  We also believe that you will have confidence that we will reflect what’s happening in and around us in a professional and balanced manner. 

In fact, we take impartiality and professionalism very seriously. 

All Ofcom licensed radio stations in the UK have obligations to abide by the conditions of its license and to ensure that the terms set out in the Ofcom Broadcasters Code are adhered to with regards to its programmes, including its music and local content. Salisbury Radio’s obligations are set out in our ‘Format or Key Commitments’.

We are not legally required to do this, but we adopt the word and spirit of the Ofcom Broadcasters Code of Conduct to content you will read on our website.

Like all active companies, we are registered with Companies House. Our company registration number is 13058798.

Character of Service
Salisbury Radio provides a service for the people who live, work and play in and around Salisbury – with a distinctive sound, feel and appeal to the area.

As well as being able to contact the station via our website, you can write to us at:
This is coming soon!

You can call us too on 01722 433 300.  Unless you wanna get your voice on-air, in which case we recommend calling 01722 433 733.  (Calls will be recorded for training and monitoring purposes etc, but moreover may also be used in future programmes).

If you have a local news story, please call our news team directly on 01722 433 730.

You could also try contacting us via email here or try Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Soundcloud or even by using a very long piece of string with empty yogurt pots at either end.

We’d love you to enquire about any advertising or marketing opportunities we could offer your business, so here’s our phone number again: 01722 433 300. The lady you want to speak to is Debbie. She’s really lovely and the best in the business.  And if she’s not around, Karli will be happy to oblige – be prepared though, she’s a whirlwind dressed in a human outfit.

Key Contacts
It is the responsibility of our Board of Directors to facilitate the compliant operation of the company at all times. Salisbury Radio Limited’s Board of Directors are:

David Harber (Managing Director)
Craig Hickish (Director)
Andrew Munns (Director)

The station programme schedule is regularly reviewed to ensure that the station consistently meets the expectations of the area we serve.

24 hours a day of our total programming output is produced locally from our studio facility in Salisbury. Some programmes may be made in other parts of the area or beyond.  Because we have all learned to work from home recently, it may also be the case that some programme hosts do this from the comfort of their own houses, or from the corner of the nearest coffee shop.

All our programming is classed as ‘original output’, meaning that such programmes are created at and for broadcast first on Salisbury Radio. 

Feline Content
If you love cats, you should listen to Craig Hicks at Breakfast.  His minuscule little tiger called Barney Cat is always a topic of discussion.

Salisbury Radio broadcasts local news output as frequently as plausible, or as is reasonable. This is from 7:00am weekdays, usually until 7:00pm weekdays and with a morning service at weekends.  Of course, this may change should events demand.  Creating, curating and delivering local news content is part of the fabric of our very being.

Oh, and our local news content is called, ‘The Way It Is’. Because that’s what we do – we tell you the way it is – no bias, no interference or opinions and no shenanigans.

It’s worth noting that we partner with our friends at Radio News Hub to deliver national news stories, usually heard hourly and daily.  Although we might give them Christmas Day off. Maybe.

We strive to react quickly and appropriately to any significant local news event. In the case of any major national event, we may choose to provide additional news coverage without prior notice.

Recent News Stories Covered
You can see the latest news content on this very website.  We believe in making sure the people of South Wiltshire and West Hampshire get access to unbiased, impartial, truthful and useful news in whichever format is best for them.  This includes social media, video, podcasts, radio and online.  It wouldn’t surprise us if a free newspaper might not appear in the near future.

Again, we adopt the word and spirit of the Ofcom Broadcast Code of Guidance, so you can be sure you are getting timely, accurate, and legal information from us.

Programme Schedule
Please refer to this website’s ‘radio’ section to see the list of programmes we broadcast each week.  You might see a photo of Craig Hicks, for this we apologise.  This page may be subject to change for various reasons, not least because someone simply hasn’t updated it.

Some programmes are live, some are recorded, some are ‘voice-tracked’, some have lots of talk, some have no disc jockeys in between the records.  But, in all cases, we aim to provide a quality service that entertains, informs and educates.  Lord Reith may be long dead but his influence on the radio sector is still very much felt by many. As a music radio service interspersed with frequent and varied local content pieces, we may automate our programmes up to 24 hours a day.

For more information about the Ofcom Localness Guidelines, please click here.  Give it a glance, it’s a riveting read. It’s our bible.

Events and the community
Salisbury Radio’s ‘Events Guide’ is broadcast regularly throughout all normal programming output. Events and activities in and around South Wiltshire and West Hampshire are widely reflected in our output.  This means you can find out about an event you didn’t know you wanted to attend just by listening to the radio.  You can find that event listed on this website if you missed a key piece of information. 

Our Playlist
Whereas we change and update our playlist frequently, the main types of music we broadcast over the course of each week are described as “familiar music from the 1960s to the present”. The songs and artists you hear should be familiar and our overall sound should therefore be consistent.  Basically, we play ‘just great songs…’ if you disagree, we think you must be listening to another radio station.

Core artists on Salisbury Radio include ABBA, Katy Perry, Duran Duran, Billy Joel, Elton John, Oasis, George Ezra, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift.  But in fairness, we have around 10,000 songs to play, so the only way to hear what we’re playing is to tune in!

Our wider brand ownership
The name, mark, logo device(s), all digital, offline iterations and physical assets of the Salisbury Radio brand are wholly and exclusively owned by Salisbury Radio Limited.

Complaints Procedure
We can’t imagine why you’d want to, but if you do have a complaint to make about Salisbury Radio, in the first instance you should contact the Managing Director at the address above, or by emailing hello@salisburyradio.co.uk

Your complaint will be dealt with in accordance to our complaints procedure and you can expect a response to your complaint in a timely fashion (within 7 days). If you are unhappy with the response you receive, you can also complain directly to our media regulator, Ofcom.

Full contact details can be obtained at their website: www.ofcom.org.uk

Thanks for reading.  We hope you will enjoy, participate and/or benefit from the programmes and activities we do here at Salisbury Radio and online at salisburyradio.co.uk