27 July 2024

Have your say on the Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan

Wiltshire Council’s online consultation allows Salisbury residents to have their say on the Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The Regulation 16 consultation gives people the chance to help shape the city’s future by giving their feedback on the plan, which has been in development since 2018.

The Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding an area’s future development and growth.

It contains a vision for the city, with aims, planning policies, proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities, and allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development. 

The Neighbourhood Plan relates to the use and development of land and associated social, economic, and environmental issues.

It deals with a wide range of issues (like housing, environment, employment, heritage, and transport) and focuses on many issues that are of particular importance in our local area.

The plan will give the community more control over the future of their area by allowing local people to have their say on what happens where they live and influence the nature and location of any development.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan documents can be viewed on the consultation page on the Wiltshire Council website.

Alternatively, you can request a copy by calling Neighbourhood Planning on 01225 713698. The documents are also available to view at Salisbury Guildhall. 

Following this consultation, all comments received will be passed to an independent examiner who will consider the representations and recommend whether the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan should be put to a community referendum.

Click here to complete the consultation: https://bit.ly/3w3YsOy    

All responses must be received by 5 pm on Monday 3rd June 2024.

For more information on the Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan, click here: https://salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk/our-future/neighbourhood-plan /   

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns