27 July 2024

Thank you event for those affected by the Salisbury train crash last year

Salisbury City Council is to bring together the people affected by last year’s train crash at the Guildhall on Thursday 21st April 2022.

In a thank-you event hosted by the Mayor of Salisbury, Salisbury City council will welcome passengers and members of the emergency service who were affected by last year’s train accident in Salisbury.

The council wants to bring everyone together and thank people for their courage following the crash back in the Autumn.

The major incident, which took place on Halloween (Sunday 31 October 2021), saw two trains collide and a total of 17 people sent to hospital with injuries.

Salisbury City council said, “If you were a passenger on one of the two trains or a member of the emergency services who assisted in the response to the collision and would like to attend, please contact corporate@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk by Tuesday 12 April.”

The event to thank those affected by the collision will take place on Thursday 21st April 2022.

Written by
Adele Bouchard
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Written by Adele Bouchard