27 July 2024

Push for mental health support as local wellbeing organisations come together

The Mental Health Support Showcase at Salisbury Guildhall brought together local mental health groups and ambassadors this market day (Tuesday 5th April).

Around 25 stalls were in attendance today at the Guildhall on Market Place. Showcasing to the public, what’s available locally for those who are struggling with their mental health. 

The event was organised by Safer and Supportive Salisbury (SaSS).

Their Chair, Anne Trevett said, “Salisbury is blessed with lots of organisations working together to support people with groups or activities to help people with mental health worries.

“Whether it is access to nature, exercise, arts and crafts or just coffee and conversation there is lots for Salisbury people to try”.

The stalls were free to the public from 9.30am to 1pm- in addition to a silent disco, new age Kurling and seated or standing Zumba. 

The Mayor of Salisbury, Cllr Caroline Corbin, was also there to show her support, telling Love Salisbury, “Mental health is something that is important to me, I completed mental health first aid training back in 2017 and then when I was deputy-mayor I held a mental health roadshow here, so I’m glad that Safer and Supportive Salisbury (SASS) has taken it forward, keeping it as a highlight on the calendar.

“The impact is great because all the different groups get to network together and build connections, which actually helps solidify the need for all the support that is available. And most of them here are volunteers so you’ve got a lot of voluntary groups who are making up for a lack of government funding.

“People who are struggling should talk to somebody, email somebody, email the mayor. Whatever we can do is what we need to be doing.”

Following the numerous lockdowns and Wiltshire Council’s funding cuts to luncheon clubs, the Mayor spoke of the importance of face to face interaction, “we’ve had two years where we haven’t been able to interact face to face with people so to be able to do that now is important.

“To be able to have that tactile touching, hugging people and just being able to see proper expression is what’s important. The way we respond to things is from what you see and what you feel. And if you’re isolated you need to be able to access all of your senses and feel that your emotional wellbeing, your physical and your mental health are all being met.”

She added that people who regularly attend luncheon clubs “need to get back into the stream of funding.”

The event welcomed all kinds of mental health-related groups such as Wiltshire Mind, Salisbury: Walking for Health and Care Home Volunteers

Salisbury coordinator for Care Home Volunteers, told Love Salisbury“We’re grateful for the opportunity to come and speak to members of the public about what we do. We’re really keen to talk to people who are interested in our volunteering opportunities. But also, I’ve been speaking to people from care homes here, from other charities, the council and the local health services. It’s a real opportunity to shout about what we do and to engage with more people.

“I think events like these are really important so that the public know about the wide range of services and volunteering opportunities that they can access and for organisations too- to learn more about each other so we can work better in partnership.”

Salisbury Coordinator of Care Home Volunteers, Kate Brookes

To find out more about what help is available near you click here.

Written by
Adele Bouchard
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Written by Adele Bouchard