27 July 2024

“A bar for Salisbury”: A new craft beer bar opens in The Maltings

A new craft and world beer bar serving a wide range of products including Belgian style beer has opened in The Maltings, Salisbury.

The bar brings a refreshed approach to drinking where customers are encouraged to be mindful of what they are consuming and where it came from.

Sips officially opened on Thursday 31st March 2022.

Using reclaimed materials, owner Jacob Price and his Dad, Jon, transformed the vacant shop into a treasure-trove of craft beer.

Speaking to Love Salisbury, Jacob said, “It’s certainly one of the most valuable experiences I have been through in my life so far.

“It’s been an absolute challenge, more than I ever imagined it could be, and we are still not completely there yet.”

So far, Jacob says he has received a “wonderfully warm reception” from the people of Salisbury.

“I have already met what I would consider some of Salisbury’s core beer-drinking culture members who have been very generous and donated a few bits of special glassware and invaluable knowledge about the surrounding area.”

Sips fills the only remaining vacant shop in The Maltings, meaning that the Salisbury shopping centre is now filled with mostly independent businesses.

“I feel very lucky to be in the location that I am. I think it is a wonderful little corner of Salisbury. It is becoming a little drinking and dining corner of the city. I think it is a special little area where you can sit along the river and not worry about much at all.

“It is popular for its independent businesses. I think the summer will be a fantastic time and I hope to see the outside seats full of people enjoying themselves.”

Jacob Price

Centre Manager of The Maltings, Mark Freeman added, “Jacob and his Dad have worked incredibly hard doing most of the work themselves. It hasn’t been easy, but he has worked so hard and who doesn’t like craft beer?! Both personally and professionally I wish him all the very best.”

Going forward, Jacob has lots of exciting ideas for Sips, including the addition of food parings.

“I want to pair things like a dessert stout with some ice cream or a chocolate brownie. It’s something that I am already experimenting with a little bit, like on the opening night we had some nice cheese and crackers for people to help themselves to which works well with certain beers.

“I would love to work with local independents to produce the pairings and promote each other in that way. I think it’s an important factor of mindful drinking and the whole culture of people coming to enjoy a drink rather than to get drunk. Why not have it with a pairing of food.”

Sips will always have one lager and one cider on tap with an ever-changing offering.

“It’ll be a wide range of both ABVs and styles, whether that be Belgian beers or craft beers from the UK, or from the US and Canada.

“I am always happy to take recommendations if there is a gap in the market I will strive to fill it. I want Sips to be Salisbury’s bar really with the only criteria that it isn’t like any other bar in Salisbury.”

As well as beer, the bar has a variety of craft spirits available, with a wine menu currently being crafted alongside local experts.

“My range of spirits at the moment is made up of craft gins. I would also like to feature rums, whiskies and the weird spirits you won’t find anywhere else.

“It’s all about trying something new and something different. It’s a bar for Salisbury so if people have been to a bar or a drinking establishment and they are unsatisfied with the drinks that are available then this is the place for them because whether I have it on now or not it’s a constantly changing line up.”

Coming up, Sips will host a 10 tap takeover for Tiny Rebel’s 10th birthday party.

“Tiny Rebel is a brewery from Cardiff that I will be working with a lot. They are known for their adventurousness with flavour.

For their 10th birthday, I will be hosting a 10 tap takeover for that birthday party with some incredible different styles and different flavours.”

Keep up to date with Sips by following them on social media here.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty