27 July 2024

LIVE: Salisbury reacts to John Glen’s resignation from ministerial role

Salisbury City and Wiltshire Councillors have shared their views as John Glen resigns from his role as the Economic Secretary to the Treasury.

Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council applauded John Glen’s actions.

He said, “My view is that the behaviour of the Prime Minister over Chris Pincher and in particular the evidence that came out in Lord McDonald’s letter yesterday have made the position of Boris untenable and he needs to resign for the good of the country and himself.

“I applaud John Glen’s actions, it must have been a very difficult decision to make but I think he has made the right one.”

Richard Clewer

Leader of the Salisbury Conservative Party, Cllr Charles McGrath commented, “The resignation of Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid and Salisbury’s MP John Glen from their Cabinet and ministerial positions respectively show that the current Government simply isn’t working.

“Ever since the initial Partygate revelations in December last year, I have had grave doubts about the Prime Minister’s capacity for leadership, which I made clear to the press at the time. The most recent scandal is the final nail in the coffin for him.

“While the Prime Minister has acted admirably in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, the multitude of challenges facing our country – the cost of living crisis, industrial action, resolving the grave issues surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol to name a few – require a leader who can demonstrate honesty, integrity and clarity of vision for the future. Boris Johnson exhibits none of these capabilities.”

Atiqul Hoque, Salisbury City Councillor for Salisbury St Edmunds Ward and Deputy Mayor says, he thinks it is the right decision for Glen to make.

“Glen has shown his loyalty through and through as far as he can accept but when it comes to the integrity of the country you cannot carry on. So, I’m very pleased to hear the news.

“It’s very sad and unfortunate that it had come to this but the message is very clear that our Prime Minister Boris Johnson, should step down for sake of the party and for the integrity of our country.

“I applaud the way he has dealt with Brexit and handled the pandemic, albeit some might disagree, but considering all aspects we as the country did well.

“Finally, as the buck stops at him – fundamental errors and continued miss judgment cannot be acceptable for him to lead and that is the reason he must go!”

Cllr Caroline Corbin, Mayoress and Salisbury City Councillor for Bemerton Heath Ward told Love Salisbury, “I spoke to John recently and sensed he was struggling to stay but wanted to honour the treasury projects that were running. I hope he gives Salisbury his best going forward until the next general election.”

Cllr Caroline Corbin and Mayor Tom Corbin

Cllr Annie Riddle, Independent for Harnham West says, “John has done the right thing.

“I have no political party affiliation but I have written to him on numerous occasions in recent years to say that Boris Johnson is not, in my opinion, a fit and proper person to lead the country, and I have been proved right. Whoever we get next can’t be any worse!”

Annie Riddle

Victoria Charleston, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesperson for Salisbury and South Wiltshire has reiterated her calls for Boris Johnson to resign after the spate of Government resignations in the last 24 hours.

She said, “Boris Johnson must resign. His position is beyond untenable. He should have resigned months ago.

“We are watching this Conservative Government fall apart. All whilst we are in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis that is piling misery onto people across Salisbury and our villages. This cannot go on any longer.

“The fiasco with Chris Pincher is simply latest shocking example of Conservative complete incompetence. There must be no more cover ups or excuses. I cannot see how the Prime Minister comes back after these resignations. This must be the beginning of the end for Boris Johnson. His authority has been shattered. He is a dead man walking.

“Conservative MPs in the West Country must step up and follow suit. If they had any backbone, they would call for Boris Johnson to resign.”

“It’s also important not to give any credit to those who have resigned. They have propped up a disgraced leader for far too long, while the massive challenges that we as a country face have been neglected. The Conservative’s stables need clearing out.”

In response to John Glen’s resignation, she added, “It’s laudable to see him join his dozens of colleagues in finally doing the right thing. Many, myself included, across Salisbury have urged him for months to push for the Prime Minister’s resignation and stop supporting Johnson – particularly over the partygate scandal.”

Victoria Charleston

More to follow.

Featured image by Spencer Mulholland.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty