27 July 2024

Have your questions about the Hospital’s future development plans answered

There are still seats available at tonight’s (Wednesday 6th July 2022) question and answer session for the HEAT Project – Salisbury Hospital’s plans for rejuvenation and development.

The meeting will show the draft plans for the HEAT Project and allow residents to ask any questions they may have.

The HEAT project consists of the plans for Salisbury Hospital’s reconfiguration and regeneration to allow the hospital to meet the challenges of 21st-century healthcare.

A spokesperson for the HEAT Project said the hospital’s “building stock and out of date layout and facilities, are unable to match the hospital’s operations and potential.”

The project, therefore, aims to equip the hospital for its future and enable its growth. It aims to reconfigure the outdated and congested site and provide new and improved environmentally sustainable facilities in a designed landscape setting, including:

  • a new elective care centre (to replace the existing day surgery unit)
  • university-level education facilities and supporting accommodation
  • maternity and neonatal intensive care suite, and cancer unit
  • new rehabilitation and accommodation for people with dementia
  • life-science research and development
  • supporting employment space
  • site-wide use of renewable and sustainable energy solutions

The aim is to help Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust attract, develop and retain future talent and become a centre able to create independent revenues.

According to the HEAT Project website, the early stages of the planning process are being progressed and much of the preparatory work has already taken place.

A pre-application planning submission for phase one of the project took place in May 2022.

This phase consists of a new elective care centre, a redesigned ‘springs’ entrance area, a new decked car park and buildings accommodating education, and research activities.

Tonight’s meeting is the start of the pre-application consultation with the public and planning authority.

The meeting will take place at Harnham Junior School from 7pm. You can email gregorcondliffe@gmail.com or fmphoward@btinternet.com to book your seat – or turn up on the evening.

Find out more about the HEAT Project here and view the Master plan here.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty