27 July 2024

Here’s your last chance to have your say on Wiltshire’s Climate Strategy

Wiltshire Council is reminding people to sign up for its final Climate Strategy and Natural Environment Plan consultation engagement event, which takes place later this month.

The consultation began on 1st September and will end on 17th October. The council has already held a launch event and the first of its engagement webinars, plus drop-in events at Salisbury and Devizes libraries – with further drop-in sessions in Chippenham and Trowbridge to come.

The final online engagement event, at 7pm on Thursday 30th September, is an opportunity for people to find out more about the consultation and ask questions, ahead of taking the consultation surveys.

Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, said: “We have already held two successful online events to help people find out more about our Climate Strategy and Our Natural Environment Plan, but people can still sign up for our final event, on Thursday 30 September, for more information.

“Our draft Climate Strategy sets out the next five years of our journey to becoming a carbon neutral county through seven delivery themes, and at this event people can find out more and ask us questions about the strategy.

“The consultations on the Climate Strategy and Our Natural Environment Plan runs until 17 October, so it’s really important that people take the time to complete the online surveys and have their say, as collaborative ideas, thinking and dialogue will be vital to our work on this.

“We all need to reduce our impact on the climate by cutting carbon dioxide emissions, and we also need to begin to adapt to a changed climate here in Wiltshire.”

For more information about the Climate Strategy, to take the survey and to sign up for the online events click here.

For more information about Our Natural Environment Plan Strategy, click here.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty