27 July 2024

“Be aware”, says local business after steel stolen from forecourt

At around 10.35pm on Wednesday evening (2nd March 2022), thieves stole stock from the forecourt of Ozweld International Ltd at Unit 4, Kingsway, Wilton, Salisbury.

Shaun Osmond, Managing Director of Ozweld International told Love Salisbury, “the thieves decided to help themselves to some of our stock including one item we really need back.”

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police confirmed the incident, “We can confirm we had a report of steel beams being stolen from the forecourt of a business on Kingsway, Wilton.

“Our investigations are at an early stage and we’d like to hear from anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity or saw two men in a flatbed vehicle acting suspiciously around the time of the incident.

“Please call 101 and quote crime reference number 54220021962.”

Speaking about the stolen beams Shaun said, “Luckily, they aren’t allocated to a job right now but when a job that requires that kit comes up we will need to replace it. We also loan this equipment, free of charge, to customers for temporary building works, but now they are gone we won’t be able to do that anymore.”

According to Shaun, the thieves used “a very distinguishable 3.5ton extra-long wheelbase new style transit that had a beacon on the roof with the passenger side roof light out.”

Pictured below are CCTV images of the vehicle.

“I just want to make other businesses aware that thieves are operating in this area. As times get harder, it is likely there will be more of these incidents,” added Shaun.

If you recognise this vehicle, or saw anything suspicious around the time of the incident, please call 101 and quote crime reference number 54220021962.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty