27 July 2024

36 years and yet another award for local publicans

Horseshoes are known for proving some good luck and that’s the case for a country pub in Ebbesbourne Wake.

The Horseshoe Inn in the Chalke Valley has just been voted ‘Country Pub of the Year’ by members of the Salisbury & South Wilts Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

It comes as The Sunday Times has named the Chalke Valley as the best place to live in the South West.

It is also the third time in four years that the traditional inn with a fine range of real ales has won the award. On the fourth occasion – last year – no vote was held because of Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns.

In an age when many pubs change hands regularly, The Horseshoe has a rare record of continuity – the same family has been running it for almost half a century.

Tony and Pat Bath have been in charge for 36 years having taken over from Tony’s parents Tom and Glad. They have now been joined by their daughter Jayne Sanger.

All three were on hand to receive the award certificate from Ian Turner, chairman of the Salisbury & South Wilts Branch of CAMRA, who cycled ten miles from Salisbury, supported by a group of CAMRA members who took the less energetic option of travelling on the number 29 bus from the city.

“It is great to be back to present this well-deserved award,” said Ian. “The Horseshoe has a winning formula: excellent food and well kept beer in a lovely pub in a beautiful area. It has featured in nearly every edition of CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide and the Bath family has worked tirelessly to support real ale.”

Tony Bath added, “We work hard to achieve this and we would like to say thank you to CAMRA for voting for us.”

Each year the Salisbury & South Wilts branch of CAMRA gives awards to two pubs in its area – one in the city of Salisbury and one in the towns and villages surrounding it.

The prizewinner with the most votes – this year the Duke of York in Salisbury – is declared the overall Pub of the Year while the other becomes either the ‘City Pub of the Year’ or the ‘Country Pub of the Year’.

Click here for details of membership to the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Branch CAMRA website.

Written by
David Harber

David Harber FRSA is the managing director of Salisbury Radio and a member of the National Union of Journalists. He has two cats, one sleek and elegant, the other is a fluffy scruffbag.

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Written by David Harber