27 July 2024

Wiltshire Council respond to the situation in Afghanistan

Wiltshire Council has issued a statement in light of the current situation in Afghanistan.

On the 15th August 2021 the Taliban captured the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. After 20 years of war, the group has regained control of the country.

Cllr Richard Clewer Leader of Wiltshire Council and Cabinet Member for Military Civilian Integration said, “We are monitoring the difficult and distressing situation in Afghanistan and are awaiting government guidance as the situation unfolds.

“Here in Wiltshire we have always been ready to help those who need a safe place to stay and we will respond as necessary when guidance is published. This includes offering support to interpreters and those trying to reach a safe haven. We are already looking to provide homes for at least two families and there may be more in due course.

“Wiltshire has a strong military presence and we recognise the extraordinary efforts of our service personnel who have served in Afghanistan as part of the UK efforts to bring peace to the region. We know the latest news may be difficult for our local military communities and we are here ready to support them at this time”.

On Tuesday 17th August, Boris Johnson announced a new UK resettlement scheme which will see the UK take 20,000 Afghan refugees, prioritising women, children and religious minorities.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty