27 July 2024

Victoria Charleston puts pressure on John Glen to call for Boris Johnson’s resignation

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesperson, Victoria Charleston, has pressured Salisbury MP John Glen to stand up for Salisbury residents and call for the Prime Minister to resign.

The call comes after the Prime Minister’s apology during Prime Minister questions where he admitted to attending the party held in the Number 10 garden on the 20th May 2020, during a national lockdown. The PM claimed that he didn’t realise it was a party.

Earlier this week, ITV reported an image of an email from the Prime Minister’s Principal Private Secretary which invited staff to drinks in the garden to ‘make the most of this lovely weather’, whilst the rest of the country was in lockdown.

Victoria Charleston, Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesperson for Salisbury said, “Mr Glen must stand with Salisbury residents and act on this issue.

“Boris Johnson must resign. His position has become untenable. His leadership has been mired by corruption and the shocking flouting of his own rules. All whilst the country suffered and sacrificed in the hope of defeating this virus. People are incensed; I share people’s anger that the Prime Minister flouted lockdown rules whilst many others missed funerals and cancelled weddings. He must go now.”

In response to Victoria’s comments, John Glen MP said, “I have previously made strong representations to my whip, conveying the anger of constituents and indeed my own conviction that this needs to be dealt with definitively.

“I do not seek to defend what happened and will be continuing to make my feelings known.”

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty