27 July 2024

Summer Solstice deemed a success minus two arrests made by Wiltshire Police

Summer Solstice has been deemed a “success on many levels” by Wiltshire Police who attended both Stonehenge and Avebury overnight.

Around 6,000 people gathered to mark the event at Stonehenge and according to Wiltshire Police, the overwhelming majority were there to mark the occasion safely and responsibly, with only two arrests made at the site.

Solstice officers at sunrise

Superintendent Phil Staynings said, “This year’s Summer Solstice – the first one celebrated as a public gathering at Stonehenge in three years – has been a success on many levels.

“Inevitably, there were some traffic delays approaching Stonehenge due to the sheer number of vehicles wanting to visit the site, but overall the whole event has passed off with no major incidents and the atmosphere remained convivial throughout – no doubt helped by the weather which has been incredible this year.

“It’s good news that only two arrests were made, showing that the good relationship we have with our partners, including English Heritage at Stonehenge and the National Trust at Avebury, does work to make large scale events like this run smoothly.”

A 49-year-old man from the London area was arrested on suspicion of common assault.

A 41-year-old man from Trowbridge was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A and Class B drugs.

They are both currently in police custody.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty