27 July 2024

Santa Sleigh Run Tracker

The team behind the Idmiston Santa Sleigh Run are back – you can track their progress here with Salisbury Radio.

This evening is their final run, with five already completed. For their final foray, they visit East Gomeldon, Porton, Idmiston, The Winterbournes and Hurdcot. They are due to get underway at 5 pm, keep an eye on their progress on the tracker below.

They are collecting donations in cash as they pass or online; the link is below the tracker.

The group are raising money for Salisbury Hospice Charity this year. You can donate here – DONATE

The sleigh draws large crowds as it blasts out festive anthems, bringing its own slow flurry and Santa’s elves (some not so short) and helpers hand out sweets to the young people in attendance.

This year, they are running on six dates from the 17th of December through to the 22nd of December.

You can check out the full set of routes here – https://salisburyradio.co.uk/charity-santa-sleigh-run-returns-for-2023/

The Santa Tracker relies on a good mobile phone signal, so may pause it's tracking occasionally.