27 July 2024

Salisbury CCTV is looking for new volunteer operators

Salisbury CCTV is looking for new volunteers who have a spare 16 hours a month to help make Salisbury a safer place.

Described as an exciting and demanding role, new volunteers will be trained to a professional standard to monitor the state-of-the-art CCTV system at key times in the communications hub inside the CCTV control room.

A Salisbury CTTV spokesperson said, “It is an excellent way to support the Salisbury community whilst working with many City partners including ShopWatch, PubWatch, City wardens, and the Police.”

A recently retired CCTV Operator commented, “I will look back on my time in the CCTV team with pride and a sense of being a small part of a good bunch of people doing a very worthwhile and important job.”

Spaces are now available for the September CCTV Operators course.

To enquire about volunteering as a CCTV Operator, please contact Richard Goodman on 07849088205 or Rgoodman@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty