27 July 2024

Racecourse: ‘We’ve missed you’ as tickets go on sale

It was a race to the finish to buy tickets for Salisbury Racecourse’s first spectator meet of the year.

Tickets went on sale at 6:00pm this evening (11th May 2021) and the first meet date of 29th May almost sold out within hours.

Tickets remain available for 8th and 13th June.

Emma Tranter from the iconic venue says, “We have all really have missed having a crowd. We cannot wait for the buzz of spectators from 29th May.”

Tickets are on sale for the next three race meetings only, they are Saturday 29th May, Tuesday 8th June and Sunday 13th June 2021.

The Racecourse adds, “If you’re hoping to go with friends then let them know they need to book individually because you cannot buy multiple tickets currently to comply with track and trace.”

Because of the ongoing Covid restrictions, spectators will be required to wear a face mask upon arrival to the racecourse and not remove it at any point unless seated to eat or drink (unless medically exempt).

Tickets start at £10.00.

Visit Salisbury Racecourse’s website here for further details.

Written by
David Harber

David Harber FRSA is the managing director of Salisbury Radio and a member of the National Union of Journalists. He has two cats, one sleek and elegant, the other is a fluffy scruffbag.

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Written by David Harber