27 July 2024

One in five crimes in Wiltshire involve domestic abuse

According to figures released today (25th November 2021) by the Office of National Statistics domestic abuse accounts for one in five crimes recorded by Wiltshire Police.

The statistics cover the 12 months from the first introduction of lockdown restrictions to March 2021.

In a year where victims were trapped at home with their abusers, the Force recorded a total of 14,237 domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes.

This is equivalent to 20 incidents and crimes for every 1,000 people who live in the county and a nine per cent increase on the previous year which saw 13,082 incidents and crimes.

Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson commented, “Whilst these statistics highlight the prevalence of domestic abuse in our county, I’m still not convinced they are a true reflection of how horrifying the situation really is.

“It is difficult enough for victims and survivors of domestic abuse to report, but this was compounded by the various lockdown restrictions meaning there will have been many more victims suffering in silence.

“That is why it’s so important to look past the statistics and my Police and Crime Plan will set a clear direction and bring together my office, Wiltshire Police and key partners to ensure that people in Wiltshire feel safe in addition to actually being safe.

“At the heart of the work my office delivers is the commissioning of specialist support services for the victims affected by crimes, and that includes victims who report to the police, and those who don’t.”

The figures also show that demand for victim support has jumped; nationally during this period, calls to the National Domestic Abuse Helpline increased by 22 per cent.

“In Wiltshire, we are actively tackling that increase in demand. Earlier this year, Wiltshire’s OPCC secured additional funding for seven additional Independent Domestic Violence Advisors to support victims.

“Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service, and Splitz Support Service, both commissioned by the OPCC, will benefit from these additional posts and provide specialist support to all victims of domestic abuse,” added a spokesperson for the Wiltshire PCC.

Those with concerns about domestic abuse are encouraged to contact police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, those in Wiltshire can contact the Splitz Support Service on 01225 775276.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty