4 July 2024

National Response Policing Week celebrates hard work and bravery of frontline officers

The College of Policing is joining police forces across the country to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and bravery of those who respond to public calls and confront criminals day and night.

This week, Response Policing Week, is an opportunity to highlight the difficult, demanding and unpredictable work that response officers and staff do to keep people safe. 

Assistant Chief Constable Ian Saunders of Wiltshire Police said: “This is an annual national awareness event highlighting the difficult and high-risk role that our Response Officers must undertake.

“They serve on the frontline and are the first to attend serious incidents including road traffic fatalities, homicides, burglaries, robberies, and serious assaults.

“Alongside catching suspects and protecting the public, they are the ones that provide reassurance to you, the public. There is also a lot of satisfaction from the role in helping vulnerable people, finding someone who is missing or arresting an offender caught in the act of committing an offence. This needs to be celebrated.”

Throughout this week, Wiltshire Police will be highlighting the work of Response from their perspective, they ask us to join in celebrating their frontline response teams and for their commitment to the role they face.

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns