27 July 2024

Man jailed after stealing jewellery in Salisbury

A man who stole jewellery during three burglaries in Salisbury has been jailed for four years.

Soloman Jeffers, aged 55, of Wiltshire Road in Harnham, appeared at Salisbury Crown Court yesterday (26th August) for sentencing after previously pleading guilty to three counts of burglary.

The three day-time break-ins occurred at houses in the city during June of this year.

Jeffers forced entry to the homes while the occupants were out and searched for valuables, stealing various items of jewellery, many of which had huge sentimental value for the victims. Silverware and a guitar were also stolen.

Detectives from Operation Fortitude, the proactive team dedicated to apprehending serious and prolific offenders, arrested Jeffers after they made enquiries at pawn shops in the city and found CCTV of him selling the stolen jewellery.

The stolen guitar was not sold and was located at Jeffers’ house.

Detective Sergeant Darren Penny, from Operation Fortitude, said, “We know that burglary is a crime which has a particularly significant impact on the victim.

“They have their homes invaded by a stranger, who often causes damage or mess while searching for items that they want to steal, and in these particular cases, the victims lost items which had sentimental value and cannot be replaced.

“I hope this case provides reassurance that Wiltshire Police does take burglary offences seriously and that we will work hard to identify offenders and ensure they face justice“.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty