27 July 2024

Jason Fox – cancelled

Along with other shows, Jason Fox’s tour which was planned to include City Hall has been cancelled.

Jason Fox spent 20 years serving with the Special Forces in some of the most gruelling and daunting environments on earth.

Born in Plymouth, he joined the Royal Marines at 16, serving with the Special Boat Service and undertaking operations including hostage rescue, counter terrorism, counter insurgency, maritime counter terrorism, surveillance, bodyguarding and counter narcotic missions.

He’s trained in combat swimming, demolitions, dog handling and jungle survival. In January 2020, Fox announced a UK tour called Life At The Limit, which would feature the man himself on stage, recounting his tales of bravery and heroism both on and off the battlefield.

The tour was later postponed to April 2021. In August 2020, five more dates were added.

Written by
David Harber

David Harber FRSA is the managing director of Salisbury Radio and a member of the National Union of Journalists. He has two cats, one sleek and elegant, the other is a fluffy scruffbag.

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Written by David Harber