27 July 2024

Hot, hot, hot. Firewalk ready to raise money for Salisbury hospice

Nearly 60 ‘brave soles’ will be taking part in a Firewalk in aid of Salisbury Hospice Charity tomorrow.

The event outside the Guildhall will see people walk over hot coals that will be burning at over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. The event starts at 7.30pm, followed by an hour’s ‘training session’ before the main event at 9:00pm.

Each participant has raised a minimum of £150 for the impressive local charity on Odstock Road.

The charity’s Marketing and Communications Officer David Woollatt told Salisbury Radio, “We are thrilled that nearly 60 people are taking part in our first ever Fire Walk.

“The intrepid walkers are going to be stepping across 15ft of hot coals at 550 degrees Celsius, all to raise vital funds for Salisbury Hospice – we can’t thank them enough.

“Each year the charity aims to raise £1.5 million to keep our hospice services going, and events like this make a real difference.”

Salisbury Radio will broadcast live from the event and supply entertainment as afternoon disc jockey Matt Rogers takes part in the ‘feet’. DJ’s Craig Hicks and Ian Burrage will also attend (but they’re too wimpish to participate).

You can hear the event on Salisbury Radio online here, or by asking your smart speaker to ‘Play Salisbury Radio’. Note, if you have an Amazon Alexa, you will need to ask Alexa to ‘Enable Salisbury Radio’ for your first listen.

Written by
David Harber

David Harber FRSA is the managing director of Salisbury Radio and a member of the National Union of Journalists. He has two cats, one sleek and elegant, the other is a fluffy scruffbag.

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Written by David Harber