27 July 2024

Fires reignite on Salisbury Plain

Over the weekend (16th July 2022), some fires on Salisbury Plain have reignited.

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) say they were “unable to assist at the time” as they could not “safely extinguish the fires due to their location. We will continue to monitor the situation.”

Yesterday (17th July 2022), firefighters were back on the scene at Salisbury Plain assisting the MOD with firefighting. Smoke was reportedly drifting in a north-westerly direction.

Today, (18th July 2022) firefighters have returned to Salisbury Plain to assess the incident with partners from the MOD.

According to DWFRS, Helicopter operations will resume to dampen down hot spots on the plain. A water carrier and specialist appliance will support this.

The public is advised to continue to use the following link for public health advice from Wiltshire Council.

PHOTO: KEVIN GOVER Near Shrewton, Salisbury Plain

We will bring you more updates as we get them.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty