27 July 2024

Council budget consultation to be launched

The City Council is launching a consultation during August and September to hear your views before the budget is decided for next year.

The Leaders of all political groups have agreed to a consultation programme during the summer months to understand what the public is thinking.

The consultation comes after a noisy backlash to the City Council’s large Council Tax precept increase earlier this year, which led to two parish meetings.

The Council wants to hear your views on the priorities for the Council.

There will be an online survey to complete. This can also be completed on paper; head to the Information Centre in Fish Row if you want a paper copy.

There will also be six opportunities to meet informally with councillors to discuss what you think is important for the City Council and the city.

The opportunity to meet with Councillors on Salisbury Market Place or in the Guildhall are on the following dates:

  • Sat 5 Aug 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
  • Tue 8 Aug 10.00 am – 2.00 pm and 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm
  • Tue 15 Aug 10.00 am – 2.00 pm and 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm
  • Sat 19 Aug 10.00 am – 2.00 pm

And of course, you can also contact your local Councillors directly by phone or email; their contact details are shown on the Council’s website.

Councillor Annie Riddle, a Leader of the City Council, said “I hope lots of people will take this opportunity to tell us what is important to them. Budget setting is a complex matter, and whatever we do, we can’t please everyone. We’re elected to take decisions and sometimes they are difficult ones. But we guarantee we will look carefully at what you say, and we won’t know what you think unless you take part”.

Cllr Victoria Charleston, Leader of the Lib Dem Group points out that “We have committed to ensuring your voice is heard by this Council. Consulting on the budget is just one of the steps we are taking – please do get involved”.

Cllr Ian Tomes, Leader of the Labour Group, said: “I know from experience that when something is important to local people, they can get their voices heard – make sure your voice is heard if you feel strongly about local services from the City Council and where the budget is spent.”

Councillor Eleanor Wills, Leader of the Conservative Group, said, “Consultation is a vital way for residents to have their voice heard during the budget setting process. It has been really encouraging to sit down and work with the Group Leaders to develop these plans, and I look forward to working with them in the future on similar schemes. It will be great to meet residents this summer”.

Details of the consultation can be found here: https://salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk/our-council/about-your-council/budget-consultation/, and a leaflet should come through your door shortly with more information.

The leaflet shows a consultation on 18th August; please note that this will take place on Tuesday, 15th August.

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns