27 July 2024

Combine Harvester ‘well alight’ in Netherhampton fire

5 fire crews were called to a combine harvester fire off Netherhampton Road, yesterday (2nd September) at 6.43pm.

2 crews from Salisbury Fire Station and 1 from Wilton attended initially, along with a water carrier from Wilton Fire Station.

After their arrival, the assistance of a further water carrier from Andover, Hampshire, and a fire engine from Fordingbridge, Hampshire, was requested.

The combine harvester was well alight upon the arrival of the first crews and spread to surrounding crops in the field approx 15mx25m. The smoke plume was also large and could be seen from some distance away.

The fire was extinguished using 2 jets, 2 hose reels, beaters and drags. On-site farm machinery was also used to create a fire break to help extinguish the fire.

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty