27 July 2024

Charity car wash at Amesbury fire station

A special car wash is being held at Amesbury fire station this Saturday (8 July) to raise money for two excellent causes.

The event at the fire station on Salisbury Road will run between 10 am and 3 pm to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity and Tommy’s, the pregnancy and baby loss charity.

Proceeds from the day will boost the fundraising undertaken by Amesbury on-call firefighter Andy Duffey, a 999 call handler in Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Control room.

In September, he will run up 42 floors of the Cheesegrater skyscraper in London, then abseiling 200m back down – all in aid of Tommy’s.

He said: “My wife Kelly and I had to go through IVF to get our son Jasper, who’s now a cheeky, healthy two years old, and we also know friends and family members who have sadly lost children before they entered the world. As such, Tommy’s is a charity close to my heart. Alongside that, many of my colleagues have benefited from the support of the Fire Fighters Charity, so we’re hoping the car wash is a great success!”

To support Andy’s fundraising, you can also donate online at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/andrew-duffey4459

Tommy’s wants to make the UK the safest place in the world to give birth, supported by people who refuse to accept that a baby’s death is ‘just one of those things’.

Money raised will help fund pioneering research to identify why pregnancy goes wrong and enable specialist care for people at clinics, research centres and across the NHS. More information can be found at www.tommys.org

The Fire Fighters Charity provides help to serving and retired personnel, their widows/widowers and young dependants through the provision of sheltered accommodation, recuperative facilities, rehabilitation and therapy, and giving financial support to those who need it.

The charity works with some 10,000 beneficiaries every year at a cost of £12 million per annum, and these services are financed almost exclusively by fundraising. More information can be found at www.firefighterscharity.org.uk

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns