27 July 2024
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Candidates confirmed for upcoming General Election

The full details of voting in Wiltshire in the upcoming general election, including all candidates standing in each constituency, have been confirmed.

Those wishing to vote have until midnight on 18 June to register to vote if they’re not already registered. If you are not already registered, you can do so here– www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

You will also require an approved voter ID to vote in the General Election.

Accepted forms of photo ID include passports, photographic driving licences, biometric immigration documents, and certain concessionary travel passes. A full list can be found at The Electoral Commission: Accepted forms of photo ID(opens new window).

If you do not already have an accepted form of photo ID you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate GOV.UK: Apply for photo ID to vote (called a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’)(opens new window)

Salisbury Constituency Candidates:

  • Matt Aldridge (Labour)
  • Victoria Charleston (Liberal Democrat)
  • John Glen (Conservatives)
  • Chris Harwood (Climate Party)
  • Julian Malins (Reform UK)
  • Barney Norris (Green)
  • King Arthur Pendragon (Independent)

East Wiltshire Constituency Candidates:

  • Pete Force-Jones (True & Fair)
  • Emily Herbert (Green)
  • David Kinnaird (Liberal Democrat)
  • Danny Kruger (Conservatives)
  • Rob Newman (Labour)
  • Stephen Talbot (Reform UK)

South West Wiltshire Constituency Candidates:

  • Evelyn Akoto (Labour)
  • Thomas Culshaw (Independent)
  • Gary Irvin (Reform UK)
  • Andrew Murrison (Conservatives)
  • Bret Palmer (Liberal Democrat)
  • James Ward (Independent)
  • Fay Whitfield (Green)

Full details with all the notices can be found here – https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/general-election.

The constituency in which people vote may have changed since the Parliamentary Boundary Review, which came into force for this election.

A map of the new constituencies can be found at https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/interactive-map/.

The key dates for the election are:

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns