27 July 2024

Can you escape Jordan and win a share of £100,000?

People in Salisbury are being asked “If you think you can avoid capture for 25 days on the run”, you could win a share of £100,000.

This is for the popular TV show Hunted.

One of the hunters is Hampshire resident and charity campaigner Jordan Wylie, who will be on your case, using his military expertise to ‘Hunt’ and capture you.

Volunteers of the show will be followed as they try to go ‘off the grid’ to avoid capture from the programme’s hunters, including Jordan.

Producers are looking for people of all backgrounds, ages (over 18) and professions to have a shot of a share of £100,000.

The prize will be shared equally between the fugitives who successfully avoid capture. The producer’s will also be paying for agreed ‘loss of earnings’

Host, extreme adventurer and friend of Love Salisbury Jordan told us “Hunted is one of the nation’s favourite TV shows and it’s a privilege to work on it. Every series brings new ideas and is full of action, adventure, deception and adrenaline. Everybody I meet tells me what they would do to win the show so now is your chance to apply!

“Trust me though it’s a lot easier whilst your sat on your sofa in the comfort of your own home than it is with some of the worlds leading detectives, intelligence professionals and highly experienced former military personnel from across our armed forces chasing you down 24/7”.

At Love Salisbury, we feel you should follow Jordan on Facebook. This man is a tour de force for supporting charities and good causes including FrontLine Children.

Read why our friends up the road in Andover feel you can learn from this determined man.

Applications close within two weeks – on 12th June – and those that would like to apply can do by visiting www.huntedapplications.com get more information on Twitter at @HuntedTakePart or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Channel4HuntedHQ

Those seeking a more collaborative escape fantasy might want to visit Live Escape Rooms in Salisbury.

Written by
David Harber

David Harber FRSA is the managing director of Salisbury Radio and a member of the National Union of Journalists. He has two cats, one sleek and elegant, the other is a fluffy scruffbag.

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Written by David Harber