23 June 2024
england stone hedge
Photo by Kyle Stehling on Pexels.com

Bus services announced for Summer Solstice

Salisbury Reds will be operating its 333 bus service to Stonehenge for people to watch the sunrise on this year’s Summer Solstice.

Buses will leave Salisbury from New Canal, stand U, and Salisbury Rail station between 1830 and 0100 on Thursday, June 20th, and return from Stonehenge between 0400 and 1000 on Friday, June 21st. 

333 Timetable 

Tickets for this special Solstice service are available to purchase on the Salisbury Reds app, or from the driver. If you choose to purchase via their app, they have a special Solstice journey discount, you can downloadthe app here.

As a result, the Stonehenge Tour will finish early on Thursday 20th.

The last journeys will be from Salisbury at 1200 and Stonehenge at 1500.

Unfortunately, on Friday, 21st June, the Tour will not operate. 

Written by
Andy Munns
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Written by Andy Munns