27 July 2024

22 drivers caught speeding near a primary school in Salisbury today

22 drivers were caught exceeding the speed limit in the space of just 80 minutes near a primary school in Salisbury this morning (26th January 2022).

Wiltshire police officers from the Roads Policing Unit were in Downton Road between 9.30am and 10.50am following concerns raised by members of the local community.

Sgt Will Ayres said, “Downton Road has a 30mph speed limit in place. During the 80 minutes we were in attendance today, we stopped 22 drivers exceeding the speed limit, with speeds recorded between 42mph and 53mph. It’s really disappointing, and also quite surprising, to see the level of offending that we witnessed today especially during school time when the school operates a walking bus scheme and officers saw the children walking along the road with teachers at the time.

“Speed limits are in place for a reason – I’d urge drivers to please be vigilant and drive within the speed limit. This is never more important than near a school where young children are out and about.
“We will continue to conduct speed checks in areas where the community have shared their concerns.”

All 22 drivers have been reported for driving at excess speed.

Headteacher of Longford C of E Primary School, Louise Knipe, further commented, “It was great to see the police here today. The children loved meeting them. We would ask drivers to take special care when they drive past any school. Life is too precious. Thank you to drivers who do take care.”

Written by
Beth Doherty
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Written by Beth Doherty