'Stunt Double' takes over at Salisbury Cathedral

During Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral on Sunday, 10th December, two ‘rival’ bishops came face to face in a ceremony that harks back to the Middle Ages.

This special service takes place in early December every year.

In keeping with tradition, as the service unfolded, The Right Rev Stephen Lake, Bishop of Salisbury, ‘handed over’ his diocese and throne to 13-year-old Harry Mills, symbolically relinquished his staff, mitre and cope.

Then ‘Bishop’ Harry assumed the symbols of the bishop’s office (the Chorister Bishop’s robe, mitre, staff and ring) and took his place in the Cathedra (or bishop’s throne).

Picture: Finnbarr Webster

The Chorister Bishop Harry was supported by his canons or attendants - a group of friends from the Cathedral School – as he delivered the sermon and led the choir and congregation in prayer. 

Picture: Finnbarr Webster

In his address at the start of the service, The Right Revd Stephen Lake, Bishop of Salisbury, said: “I am delighted to have a ‘stunt double’ in Harry and happy to be handing responsibility for the 613 churches that make up Salisbury Diocese to him. For the duration of this service, he will be in charge of 461 parishes stretching across Wiltshire, Dorset, the Channel Islands and parts of Hampshire. I hope he enjoys his brief tenure.”

In his address, Chorister Bishop Harry Mills acknowledged the Bishop and fellow choristers: “Thank you to my fellow choristers for their friendship and sharing jokes with me all the way, my attendants for helping me through the service and last but not least Bishop Stephen for lending me his throne, mitre, his crook, his ring and his robes for me to experience what it is like to be the Bishop of Salisbury.”

Picture: Finnbarr Webster

At Salisbury Cathedral, the Chorister Bishop is an elected role, and the candidate is chosen by his fellow choristers. Harry’s appointment marks the contribution he has made personally and as a singer to the Cathedral Choir.

David Halls, Director of Music at Salisbury Cathedral, said: “Harry is an excellent choice of Chorister Bishop. As well as being an excellent musician, he is liked and respected by his peers and provides quiet, thoughtful and confident leadership as a senior chorister. This is a fitting reward for all the hard work he has put in over the six years he has been singing with the choir.”

Picture: Finnbarr Webster

The Chorister Bishop or Boy Bishop tradition goes back to medieval times, when a boy chorister held the office of bishop from the Feast of St Nicholas (the patron saint of children) on 6 December until the Feast of the Holy Innocents on 28 December. Once enthroned, medieval child bishops could appoint clergy and distribute the Church’s money as they saw fit.

This ‘topsy-turvy’ ceremony echoes the wider medieval practice of holding festivals in which the ‘high’ became ‘low’ and vice versa.

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