Second Parish Meeting to discuss precept increases

A second Salisbury City Council Parish Meeting has been called following last month's first parish meeting.

There was some confusion following the last meeting, on 22nd February, about the outcome, so residents have called for a second meeting to iron out some of the details left hanging.

The parish meeting will be held on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, at 6 pm at Salisbury Guildhall.

A parish meeting is a meeting of the Salisbury residents. It is not a meeting of the Council.

Parish meetings are called for by their residents and can be attended by and spoken at by any parish resident.

The meeting will consider the following items as set out in the notice, which is published today.

1. To be discussed

To discuss a precept cap of 5% on future Salisbury City Council budgets and an obligation to call a parish meeting if an administration wants to increase the precept by more than 5%.

2. Poll

a. To consider the demand for a poll on item 1. 

b. To agree the question for the poll.

If you have any queries regarding this meeting, please contact the City Clerk on 01722 342860, email or visit our website at

Click here to view the agenda for the meeting

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