Salisbury Radio has picked three winners who will receive vouchers to use with Just Wheels to help get their damaged cars fixed.
Salisbury's only local radio station teamed up with the wheel and bodywork repair company to help those with scuffs and scrapes on their cars through 'Show us your scuff'.
The Winners:The £50 voucher goes to Samantha, who said via Facebook: "Rather a kind unknown member of the public used my car to buffer their appalling parking and scuffed my door for me? I mean, the maroon colour is lovely, but not quite a match to my silver!"
Kite receives a £100 voucher, who commented: "I was trying to drive out of a very narrow driveway after an appointment. My 3 year old was asking for the radio to be put on, while her 1 year old sister was crying, and I scraped the nearside of the car along the wall. I felt like crying too after that!" We hope that was Salisbury Radio your 3-year-old was asking for!"
Our big winner, who receives a £200 voucher is Stuart. His comment said, "It was my first Father’s Day this year. My little one was 7 months old on Sunday and I had to go to work in the pub. Unfortunately whilst we were all very busy and running around, someone drove into my car, took the paint off at the wheel arch, drove off and didn’t tell anyone. Was a great first Father’s Day for me"
Congratulations to our winners - keep your eyes and ears on all things Salisbury Radio for more competitions coming your way soon!