A man from Salisbury has been sentenced to seven years in prison for a non-recent rape.
James Haggaty, 30, of North View, Berwick St James, was sentenced on June 20th at Salisbury Crown Court.
After a night out on August 30, 2013, Haggaty met his victim at a taxi rank. Along with a friend, he helped her into a taxi and took her back to a property and sexually assaulted her.
His victim lived in silence about the assault for many years before reporting the incident to the police in 2021.

In a statement read to the court his victim said: "I always thought I would never be believed, and the longer I left it, the more unlikely any chance of getting justice seemed.
"It took me a long time to find the courage to report to the police and especially as I had found out that you (Haggaty) were on trial previously for a similar offence.
"Today, I am not the same person I was 11 years ago. I am looking for justice and healing. No sentence can undo what has been done, but it can affirm the severity of the crime, and the strength of survivors."
Sergeant Matt Goldring said: "Haggaty met his victim whilst she was in a very vulnerable state and took advantage of her.
"I would like to thank the victim in this case for her bravery in coming forward and for her unwavering strength throughout this period.
“Anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter the length of time, is urged to report it to police. We will not tolerate violence of this nature and we will continue to put perpetrators before the courts.”
You can find more information on reporting rape and sexual abuse on, along with supporting agencies on the Wiltshire Police website: Rape and sexual assault | Wiltshire Police
Reporting an offence can be difficult. You might not be completely sure what happened or how to talk about it.
Trained officers and partner organisations are there to listen and work together to support you in any way they can.
Importantly, your information could help us bring the offender to justice and make sure you, and other people in a similar situation, are kept safe.
*This report has been published with support from the victim*