Patch, a giant who lives under Milford Street Bridge, will parade into Salisbury this Sunday as part of Wiltshire Creative's Salisbury International Arts Festival.
We're told that Patch loves looking at the wonderful murals painted on the walls but dreams of venturing out into the exciting city of Salisbury to meet other giants.
This isn't going to be an ordinary Sunday, though. Music is playing, and there are dancers in the street. With help from Penguin, Patch feels brave enough to step out on a big adventure.
Join this magical pair on a spectacular journey of friendship and discovery into the city - anyone and everyone can join in, so grab your spot along the Parade at 11 am and join Patch for this epic day out!
Patch’s Parade marks the opening of the 2024 Salisbury International Arts Festival and 'City Encounters' - two days of free performances in Salisbury Market Square and beyond.
On the 26th and 27th of May, there is the chance to experience professional outdoor dance, theatre, and circus shows alongside free craft activities for all the family.
No tickets are required for City Encounters events or Patch's Parade.