Meet the local entrepreneur who’s looking to double South Wiltshire’s business economy in the next 10 years 

Brad Wright, owner of ActionCOACH Salisbury, is on a mission to create 1000 new jobs and double the local economy in the next 10 years through small business growth.

At a business growth workshop event in Salisbury on Thursday 30th June, business owners in the south west came together to network and learn new skills to develop their businesses.

Brad hosts the GrowthCLUB event every three months to help members of the local business community - he invites all ambitious and committed small business owners to come along.

Speaking to Love Salisbury Brad said, “There’s a simple, six-step process for building a brilliant business that every serious business owner must follow if they want their business to make money and survive. Our job is to help every small business discover this proven blueprint so they can get the results they want for themselves, their families and their teams."

Brad explains, “To get better results in life and business we need to continuously develop and improve our mindset and our skillset – and that’s what we teach people to do every quarter at GrowthCLUB.

“Developing your mindset is about building your confidence so you can make better, faster decisions and lead your team through challenging times. Developing your skillset varies according to your business priorities but might include learning more about marketing and sales or leadership and management or recruitment and customer service.

"Three months is long enough to learn and develop new success habits but short enough to stay focused – unlike setting goals once a year. That’s why all top businesses plan quarterly.”

Matt Payne

All this is part of Brad's goal to double the local economy in the next 10 years through business re-education. He aims to encourage people ditch the unhelpful habits and beliefs and build their resilience, confidence and skills.

"Just imagine how Salisbury could take off in the next three years if every small business doubled in size year on year – that’s completely achievable when you know how.

"We’ve seen it happen time and again in over 80 countries over the past 27 years. It’s like farming: if you get rid of the weeds, fertilise the ground and plant good seeds you’ll reap the rewards down the line," added Brad.

Brad Wright

Matt Payne from Matt Payne Electrical and Marc Ayres from Bookmarc were some of the local business owners who attended Brad's most recent GrowthCLUB.

Matt commented, “I’ve had the business for ten years now. I started it on my own and we‘ve been growing and taking on new employees. I wanted to grow the business and take on more work and I realised I needed to learn new skills to do that.

“I felt like I needed that extra coaching and personal touch to know what the priorities are for where we are at as a business, and also having that accountability as well to make sure you actually do those things.”

Marc commented, “We have been working with Brad for 12 months and it took me years to find a business coach that I could trust. He adds a lot of value and clarity to our business operations and helps us to identify the gaps.

“At the events it’s been really good to meet some people with similar situations who are all feeding off of each other ‘s ideas and experience, it all adds value.”

Brad Wright

Brad added, “Meeting and hearing about other business owners’ successes every three months develops business confidence and inspires everyone to keep going through the tough times. It’s also a great way to share what’s working around marketing and recruitment for example. Being in business can be lonely and stressful, so people love meeting other small business owners who are on a similar journey and make lifelong friends.

"They all leave here energised and inspired with clear goals and half a dozen new ideas that will help them push on toward their dreams. That’s why I love what we do.”

The next GrowthCLUB event with Brad is on Thursday 29th September from 1pm-5pm. You can book your place and learn more on Brad’s website here.

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