Wiltshire Police have arrested a man on suspicion of drink driving following a single-vehicle RTC in Salisbury.
At around 8 pm on Wednesday evening (16th of August), officers attended an RTC on the A36 near Petersfinger after a car crashed into a ditch.
A police spokesperson said, "The driver, a man in his 30s, was arrested on suspicion of drink driving after blowing over the legal limit.
"He was further arrested on suspicion of driving without insurance and driving otherwise in accordance with a licence.
"He was conveyed to hospital for reportedly minor injuries and is now in custody for questioning.
"This month Wiltshire Police are focusing on road safety across the county in response to a high number of fatal and serious injury collisions.
"Officers will be conducting extensive patrols focusing predominantly on the fatal five offences – drink and drug driving, failing to wear a seatbelt, using a mobile phone at the wheel, careless driving and excess speed."