LIVE: GCSE results day - Salisbury’s pupils collect their grades

Today, 12th August 2021, is GCSE results day. Here you can find updates from Salisbury’s schools as pupils collect their GCSE results.

How were grades determined?

This year, it was the responsibility of teachers to award grades to pupils. Individual schools chose how the grades would be determined but various aspects were taken into consideration, including:

Mock exams and other tests
Coursework and other non-exam assessments
Questions provided by the exam board
Portfolios for those studying art or design subjects

Congratulations from Wiltshire Council

Wiltshire Council has offered their congratulations and support to students across Wiltshire who are collecting their GCSE results today.

Cllr Laura Mayes, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Education and Skills said: "Congratulations to all our students who are picking up GCSE results. Young people work hard in their studies and this group of students have had to deal with unprecedented circumstances while studying for their exams. I would like to praise them for their determination and perseverance in overcoming lockdowns and adapting to remote learning.

"This year students will be receiving teacher-assessed grades. I would like to thank all our dedicated teachers and school staff who have had to undertake additional training and have worked so hard to carry out these assessments as fairly and consistently as possible.

"For those whose results are not as hoped or are unsure about what they want to do next, there are lots of options available to you and a great deal of information and support available."

Bishop Wordsworth's School

Head Master, Dr Stuart Smallwood, wrote:

“Those of you who, like me, were listening to Radio 4’s 'Today' on the way into work this morning will have heard the evidence of the collateral damage wrought by the pandemic on education over the past two years.

"In 2019-2020 as much as 14 weeks of classroom time was lost, and in the following year perhaps another 8 weeks. Despite the facility of digital learning, the innovation of teachers nationwide and the determination of young people to stay on board that type of incursion to face to face learning will have had a dramatic impact, so it is heartening to see and hear about the achievements of the current GCSE cohort this morning.

“There will be attempts in the media and by other commentators to make comparisons with previous years and to bemoan the effects of perceived grade inflation. That’s not the point surely; the question has to focus on the individual at such times rather than the system, and the truth is that in summer 2021 Year 11 boys and girls have worked hard and done well in adversity.

"The strength of the overall grade profile means that the vast majority of the Year 11 boys at Bishop’s will have secured the grades that they need to take their next step – in almost all cases this will be to A level courses, with most staying on here with us.

“This is a very exciting morning, despite the fact that results are now accessible online and acceptances are also being dealt with digitally. What lies ahead for the boys and girls who will be joining our biggest-ever Year 12 is a post-16 experience in the heart of Salisbury, a full (and hopefully uninterrupted!) programme of learning and activities and of course a return to exams through their sixth form years. I heartily congratulate all our local 16-year-old students on what they have achieved and wish them luck with what is to come.”

Bishop Wordsworth's School

Leehurst Swan School

Leehurst Swan School told Love Salisbury: “Year 11 pupils at Leehurst Swan School are today celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results, with all students achieving 5+ GCSEs, including English, mathematics and science.

“Amongst the many high achievers, particularly outstanding results were achieved by Hugo, Oscar and Tom who achieved 19 grade 9s between them.

“Their outstanding success was across a wide breadth of subjects and we are delighted that Leehurst Swan has given all our leavers a springboard into their first choice of sixth form destination.”

Headmaster, Mr Terence Ayres, commented: “These results are exceptional in every sense of the word, and I join with our Year 11 pupils in their celebrations today; they should feel very proud of what they have achieved in such difficult circumstances.

“Their GCSE journey was full of challenges, but the pupils have demonstrated, through a robust and rigorous assessment process, strong evidence to justify these outstanding grades.

“I am very grateful to our teachers who worked incredibly hard to support and assess each pupil with such dedication and I am full of admiration for our young people who have risen to the challenge. These exceptional results are only a small part of what they will leave Leehurst with. Their values, teamwork, personal achievements, firm friendships and memories will remain with them for life.

“We are very proud of you all!”

Leehurst Swan School pupils

Wyvern St. Edmund's

Smiles were reported at Wyvern St. Edmund's school this morning.

Polly Watkin, 16, a pupil at Wyvern St. Edmund's, told Love Salisbury:

"It’s a relief to get my results. It was all a bit confusing because we didn't actually do our exams. I am really happy with what I got because I didn’t really know what to expect.

"I went to school to collect my results and there were a lot of people there, which was nice because it felt really normal. Everyone was quite pleased, and I think the teachers were very fair about it.

“Next, I am going to Peter Symonds College to study Psychology, Sociology and Geography and I have got all the grades I need to do that which is great."

Polly Watkin

Stonehenge School

Stonehenge School said their top achievers were:

Mackenzie Terry with six grade 9s, three grade 8s and one grade 7
Saffron Wilcocks with five grade 9s and five grade 8s
Alanna Andrews with 4 grade 9s and three grade 8s
Jamie Sanders with three grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and three grade sevens
Scarlett Allen with six grade 9s, one grade 7 and three grade 6s.

Other top achievers include Harvey Tune (Head Boy), Emily Wilton (Head Girl), Abi Edwards, Rachel Hook, and Amelia Desroches.

Many students also ‘exceeded expectations’ by making the highest amount of progress in the year group. Stonehenge School would particularly like to congratulate Lillie Pitcher, Jemima Foster, Nicholas Dales, Megan Musselwhite, Maisie Hanson and Ivor Jones.

Co-Headteacher Carole Dean said: “The Stonehenge School is pleased to report some outstanding achievements by our students in their GCSEs and other qualifications this summer. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and determination displayed by the class of 2021 through the last two years and they truly deserve to be proud of all they have achieved, with the support of their parents and dedication from our staff.

“Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto further education and study, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future."

Stonehenge School pupils

South Wilts Grammar School

Head Teacher, Michele Chilcott wrote:

“This year has seen our students achieve outstanding GCSE results, impressive considering the disruption to their education they have faced. We are so proud of all of their achievements.

“Our students have shown resilience, perseverance and a determination to
succeed and their successes are to be celebrated. They can be proud of their achievements, preparing them for the next stage of their studies.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff and parents who have supported our students as they have navigated their way through their GCSEs, in what we can only call unprecedented times.

“It was nice to welcome our students back today and celebrate their achievements. Their efforts have been well rewarded. We wish all of our students well for the future and look forward to welcoming these and many other students into our sixth form in September.”

South Wilts Grammar School

Sarum Academy

Mrs Jen Moore, Headteacher at Sarum Academy said: “Congratulations to all students collecting their exam results today! They are the reward for a huge amount of hard work and resolve.

“At Sarum Academy, students continue to make good progress. I’m delighted that students collecting their results today are rewarded for all their hard work and efforts and whilst they missed out on the opportunity to sit their final exams, these are a culmination of five years of hard work and they are results to be proud of.

“We look forward to welcoming many of our students back into the Sixth Form and wish the very best to those who leave us to pursue other avenues.”

Students from any school can come to enrol in Sixth Form today and next week click here for details.

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