Laverstock & Ford Parish Council seek feedback on Church Road traffic restrictions

Over the last year, a group involving senior leaders from the Laverstock schools, Parish Council, Wiltshire Council and local residents have been meeting to try and address some of the traffic issues on Church Road. Now they are asking for feedback on their plans from local residents.

According to the Parish Council, the three secondary schools on Church Road see over 2,000 students arrive and depart through the small village every weekday. In terms of traffic, local residents have been dealing with the issues this causes for a long time.

Much of the work carried out by the group of local leaders and residents has focused on long term solutions aiming to encourage active modes of travel other than the car. They have also been looking at the parking regulations along Church Road and neighbouring streets.

At a public meeting organised by the Parish Council last year, there was considerable support for increased restrictions to try and prevent some of the worst parking, although there was also concern about the possibility of too many restrictions and lines on the road making the village feel too suburban.

A local Wiltshire Highways Engineer has drawn up detailed plans for how restrictions could be used and the parish council is seeking feedback from local residents.

The proposal would introduce a controlled zone along Church Road from just before the start of Bishops Mead to The Green.

The key changes include:
• Along the whole zone there would be a no waiting restriction from 2 - 4pm meaning that cars would not be able to wait in the area, the main cause of poor traffic flow, pollution and dangerous driving.
• In areas where there are no existing markings, there would be a single yellow line to indicate the restriction, in primrose yellow, designed to be less visually intrusive. There would also be signs at the start and end of the zone explaining the timings of the restriction.
• There would be new double yellow lines at the entrances to Elm Close, the
Bishopdown Path and Bishops Mead, protecting parking either on Church Road or just into these roads at any time.

Detailed maps and signage proposed can be viewed here.

What do you think about the proposed new restrictions?
Before the Parish Council proceed further with the proposed new restrictions, they would welcome feedback from local residents. The best way to get involved is to fill out a short online survey which can be accessed here.

D etailed maps and signage proposed can be viewed here . What do you think about the proposed new restrictions? Before the Parish Council proceed further with the proposed new restrictions , they would welcome feedback from local residents. The best way to get involved is to fill out the short online survey .

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