Inspectors praise ‘raised expectations and ambitious curriculum’ at Salisbury primary school

An exciting new chapter for St Martin's CE Primary School has begun, as they began the New Year by joining the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust!  

Attendance is up, as are applications for new places, and inspectors say the school is on a pathway to significant improvements.

The school, based in Shady Bower, was visited by Ofsted before Christmas, who recognised the high expectations of leadership and noted that ‘work has started, to ensure that a broad and ambitious curriculum is place’.

The school is led by Headteacher Becky McManus, who started at the school in October 2022 and has led with tenacity and determination, bringing about significant improvements since that time.

Mrs McManus and Pupils (Image: DSAT/St Martin's Primary School)

The Ofsted monitoring visit aimed to look at how well improvement plans had been implemented since the previous inspection.

In his report, published this week, inspector James Oldham said: “The school has raised its expectations of how quickly and successfully pupils learn to read. It has ensured that there are high-quality resources for the teaching of early reading. Staff who teach the early reading curriculum have received some professional development and this is beginning to improve the quality of phonics teaching.”

 “The school’s planning prioritises improvements to the quality of education. Work has started to ensure that a broad and ambitious curriculum is in place.”

“The school is determined that the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils, particularly those pupils with SEND and those who need support with language and communication and the school is beginning to assess pupils’ needs and starting points more precisely.”

In addition, there was praise from Ofsted inspector Mr Oldham for the “tenacious” approach the school has taken to reduce absence, which has seen attendance data rise significantly in the past year to be in line with national average, as pupils demonstrate their new excitement and engagement for attending school. Governors were also recognised for their “strong oversight of attendance” which has resulted in persistent absence rates steadily falling, to put the school below the national rate of persistent absence.

Mrs McManus said: “We were pleased to show the inspector some of the developments and progress that has been made since their last visit. Every decision that is made at St Martin’s is based upon meeting the needs of our children and ensuring that we secure the best education possible, setting them up for every success in their future.

"Our children and families have embraced the changes in the past year, they make St Martin’s the wonderful family environment that it is. It is also wonderful for the staff to have the well-deserved recognition of their hard work. We are all excited for the future at St Martin’s!”

"We have seen increased numbers of applications for Reception Class 2024/25 and would encourage prospective parents to come and meet us, so that they can experience the school for themselves and see the calm and positive environment, where behaviour is exemplary.”

Mark Lacey, CEO of DSAT, said: “The work done by Mrs McManus and her team has made a significant difference already, and the trajectory for further improvement is very firmly upwards. Being part of our Trust means the school can benefit from shared resources, significant professional expertise, along with high quality professional learning for staff.”

The monitoring inspection was the first Ofsted visit since the school was judged to require special measures in January 2023.

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