First draft of new Police and Crime Plan in development following public consultation

PCC Philip Wilkinson’s Police and Crime Plan – a blueprint for the strategic policing and crime priorities for the next three years – is now being drafted following a public consultation, including public engagements and youth representation.

Launched in July for 4 weeks, the Use Your Voice survey enabled residents of Wiltshire and Swindon to have their say on different aspects of policing, including which areas of policing are most important to them, their perception of crime rates over the past three years and how they think Wiltshire Police could improve the service it provides.

This feedback is now being analysed as the first draft of the new police and Crime Plan is being produced, ahead of being made available for residents’ feedback. Mr. Wilkinson said: “With development starting on my Police and Crime Plan 2024-2028, we are working to incorporate national priorities, inspectorate requirements and advice from the Chief Constable – as well as the invaluable from Wiltshire and Swindon’s residents. 

“I will ensure the new plan is streamlined and provides strategic direction and framework, greater clarity on success and performance, and how I want to strengthen our response areas that have emerged nationally and locally such as rural crime and retail crime.

“Just last week, the HMICFRS Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) report highlighted the improvements made since 2022. However, there is still much work to be done in some key areas across the Force – and I will ensure my updated Police and Crime Plan will enable Wiltshire Police to further deliver those improvements needed.”

The first draft of the new Police and Crime Plan will be published at the end of September, with all public feedback to be submitted via a form on our website.

The PCC will also be taking the draft to numerous events and stakeholder groups, including the Community Safety Partnerships and Wiltshire Criminal Justice Board, before the final draft is presented to the Police and Crime Panel in November.   

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