"Dress up to donate to Ukraine," says local design company

A local design company is calling on other Salisbury businesses to take part in a simple yet positive fundraiser to support victims of war in Ukraine.

Staff members at Innovate Design’s Salisbury studio and Bristol office dressed in blue and yellow today (7th February 2022) using the fun activity as an opportunity to donate to the Ukrainian Embassy.

According to the BBC, a fund called 'With Ukraine' has been set up by the embassy which people can support via PayPal or bank transfers. Donations will go towards funding humanitarian assistance to the civilian population and purchasing medical and military supplies for Ukraine's army.

Tilly Cuff from Innovate Design said, “One of our members of staff, Dana Hunt, is from Ukraine - so the situation feels a lot closer to home. We were all listening to the news and wanted do our bit to feel like we were having some sort of impact.”

Innovate Design Salisbury Studio

Speaking to Love Salisbury, Dana Hunt said, “I am from Ukraine so I really appreciate that our director was so supportive.

“We want to spread the word in case there are other offices or companies in Salisbury that would like to do the same. It’s a nice, simple idea that is doable in the office environment to support Ukraine. It’s not a depressing thing to do it is quite fun.”

Dana has very close friends and family currently in the capital of Ukraine. She says everybody she knows is alive, but the homes of her friends and family have been destroyed.

“Some of my friends are hiding in Kyiv in underground shelters. Some of my friends managed to leave Kyiv and they are in other towns.

“One of my friends said that the Russians have started shelling which has ruined the house and the windows, so she had to move from the house into an underground shelter.

“It’s getting a bit messy now. They have to check everybody’s passport because there are Russian people dressed up as civilians who are coming in with explosives.

"I am angry and frustrated but I am just doing what I can from here - raising money and selling some art to raise money for the army.”

Innovate Design Bristol office

For those looking to help and support victims of war in Ukraine, Dana shared some ideas.

“There are some options for people who would like to help. You can donate to the army, or you can support independent news in Ukraine by following them - they do publish in English as well. You can also join the protests in your hometowns and contact your local MP.

“I really struggle myself to do something at a distance so these are just some ideas,” added Dana.

Locally, Dana and Innovate Design are calling on other local offices, schools and businesses to take part in dressing up and donating to the Ukrainian Embassy.

“It’s an easy way to raise some money. If everyone in Salisbury just donated a pound that would be amazing. It makes people realise how easy it can be.

“We are really lucky being in the position we are and it can be really easy to just block it out but it’s good to feel like you have done your part,” said Tilly.

“Everybody is as ok as it gets here, nobody is fighting or dealing with it directly but it’s very underwhelming when for 12 days all you see on the news is war. So this is something a bit more positive that helps as well.

“Every little helps and by donating in British Pounds you can actually buy a fair amount of food for that money in Ukraine,” added Dana.

To find out more about With Ukraine click here.

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