Campaign focuses on new strategic priorities for Wiltshire Police

We should expect to see more improvements in Wiltshire Police over the next four years, according to Wilthsire's Police Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson.

This is the promise as the new Police and Crime Plan comes into play next month and sets out the vision and priorities for Wiltshire Police to make Wiltshire safer.

An in-depth campaign focusing on each priority in Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson’s #MakingWiltshireSafer Police and Crime Plan 2025 – 2029 will run over the next four weeks as the plan becomes operational.  

Residents can expect to see: 

  • Increased public engagement and police visibility 
  • Reduced violence and serious harm by targeted interventions and proactive policing  
  • Robust and targeted policing of rural crime, business crime, antisocial behaviour and road safety as we address crimes that matter most to local communities  
  • Improved victim journey once a crime is reported and reduced reoffending  
  • Improved reporting mechanisms and decreased response times 

The plan, which follows detailed consultation and engagement with residents, operational advice from policing, local stakeholders and commissioned services, aims to tackle key safety challenges while ensuring an effective, efficient, frontline policing service which is highly visible, protects the vulnerable and encourages greater trust and engagement with communities. 

Mr Wilkinson said: “My priority is to ensure Wiltshire remains a safe place to live, work, and visit. But we must ensure that residents feel safe, it’s simply not enough to tell them that they are safe.  

“This campaign outlines what residents should expect to see over the next four years as the plan builds on the significant improvements made by Wiltshire Police in recent years and the previous Police and Crime Plan.  

“The plan has been shaped through detailed consultation with you, our residents, local stakeholders, and policing professionals with both local, regional and national input. 

“Together, we have created a plan that addresses the key challenges our communities face while continuing to improve policing services across Wiltshire. 

“Both I, and my office, have been working closely with Chief Constable Catherine Roper, to ensure Wiltshire Police has made significant strides, particularly in frontline visibility and improved outcomes for victims. 

“However, there’s still more work to be done. Transforming investigations, supporting victims, and providing a better public experience remain amongst the top priorities so that residents can see these changes first hand and actually feel safer within their communities.” 

Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Catherine Roper said: “I welcome the Commissioner’s refreshed Police and Crime Plan - and I fully agree with its strategic priorities. I am held to account for the delivery of the plan, and at its heart are the voices and concerns of our communities whom we serve.  

“Wiltshire Police has made progress in improving our service and I am committed to continuing these improvements and ensuring that we are Keeping Wiltshire Safe.” 

The four strategic priorities of the Police and Crime Plan 2025-2029 include: 

  1. A Police Service that meets community needs – emphasising responsive and visible policing with a focus on public trust.
  2. Reducing violence and serious harm – proactively tackling domestic abuse, sexual violence, and serious organised crime and violence.
  3. Tackle crimes that matter to local communities – including anti-social behaviour, rural crime, and road safety.
  4. Improve the experience of victims and deliver justice – ensuring victims feel supported throughout the justice process.

You can find out more about the new Police and Crime Plan by coming and speaking to us at the following events: 

  • Thursday 20th March - Sounds Like Women "Better With Music" Cafe - 2pm
  • Tuesday 25th March – Salisbury Cattle Market with NPT – 10am-2pm  
  • Thursday 3rd April – Tesco, Chippenham – 10am-1pm  
  • Tuesday 15th April – Trowbridge Civic Centre – 12pm-1pm 

The plan was ratified by the Police and Crime Panel in November 2024 and first published on the OPCC website in December. 

You can read more about the #MakingWiltshireSafer Police and Crime Plan 2025 – 2029 here.

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