Salisbury City Council is working with Johns Associates to produce a Tree and Ecosystem Strategy.
The Strategy is being produced to help carry out one of the City Council’s key priorities in their Environmental Action Plan; to improve biodiversity in the city.
Information from the strategy will detail the current number of trees on City Council owned and maintained land as well as an aerial canopy survey with a map and percentage of tree coverage. The strategy will identify suitable land for planting and advise on appropriate native trees for those areas.
Wider topics of interest that will be addressed through the project include:
Which Wards have better tree coverage than othersWhere there are opportunities for mass and individual tree plantingThe potential effects of tree planting in specific areasEstimates of current carbon stock in soils and treesHighlight other areas of land with trees or potential for additional trees beyond the City Council boundaryGuidance for enhancing the gateways to the city through tree plantingWork on the strategy will begin this Spring and will highlight the range of nature-based benefits from Salisbury City Council owned and maintained land, including pollination, landscape, air quality and natural flood management.
Co-owner/Director of Johns Associates, Matt Johns said, "We are delighted to be working with Salisbury City Council and the community to develop a Tree and Ecosystem Strategy. This work builds on the fantastic initiatives already taking place in the city and provides an opportunity to identify and support the multiple benefits of the City Council's trees to people and wildlife and highlight where appropriate planting and habitat creation could occur."
Leadership group member, Cllr Annie Riddle said, “Since declaring a climate emergency in June 2019, the City Council are working hard to increase biodiversity in Salisbury. The Strategy will provide useful and detailed information on the variety of trees in the area and what more can be done to create a greener city."